We’re through!

I’m leavin’ ya and I don’t want to see ya no mo’!
On Thursday night I cooked a crock pot of Guiness stew for Jen arriving late from Ottawa. Friday Teresa shows up with a crock pot of beef bourguinon for the pot luck. As usual the Cactus Lounge Flame Throwers leave the left overs for the bachelor. I added my stew to Teresa’s and it has now been 5 solid days of beef stew for supper. I can’t take it no mo! I think I might moo in my sleep tonight. I’m leaving ya Elsie the cow and I ain’t going to put you to my lips for some time to come. We’re through! The Russian mystic Swetchine said “ To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others. I have been tested.  I would love a perch dinner, a beer butt chicken or even those 3 squirrels that have been chasing each other around my bird feeder.  No, Jen I will not put baba ganouch to my lips or humus. This is the stuff of bazooka breath.
I hate frozen left overs so I eat it till it’s gone. Thank Gawd my kids have me for Christmas or I’d be stuck with a 26 lb turkey to eat.
About 35 years ago I quit smoking by having far too much to drink and smoking my brains out. I never wanted to see another cigarette. Maybe I am now cured of beef. To celebrate my last night of beef stew I served it up on my Dan Finnegan plate just to see if he just might come over to the dark side.  You must admit it looks pretty delish on that 4 handled plate.
I’m through with the wood kiln for my work for awhile and going back to my gas kiln for Christmas. I still have 2 more wood firings in November for two different potters Guilds but my work is going to be the easier money. There is easy money and hard money. Wood firing is hard money. The Cactus Lounge Flame Throwers may try to talk me into an early December firing. I’d do anything for them so all of you out there convince them the real fame and fortune is in tree ornaments, dip trays and candy cane handled cups.
Local folk lore says that you can tell it i

s going to be a hard winter by the number of pine cones and walnuts on the ground. They are every where around here.

Cold weather is the stuff of food that sticks to your ribs like stew! She’s back in my heart again. Next time I leave her I had better take her along with me.


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