Vagina Monologue

What would a graduate ceramics program be without a person investigating the vagina? CJ Jilek is a grad student here and her current work references vagina's. I don't know whose vagina you look at- yours, a friends or a group of friends. Cj is in Australia doing a study abroad program there so I'll have all these questions to ask her upon her return. It is also important that I show you Cj's work so that you will understand that not everyone at USU wood fires. Almost every area of ceramics is being studied here at the university. In fact the boss himself John Neely although known for his knowledge of wood firing does his own work in a gas kiln that is reduction fired and cooled.
I'm getting ready for a wood firing this weekend as i am tired of making and not seeing the finished product. I wonder what it's like for these potters with huge kilns. I need to buy some pine slab wood to be split small for side stoking the back of the kiln and for the final reduction cooling.


What would an academic art program be without people falling into a trance over their sex organs? I guess we feel a need to celebrate that which can be such a source of constant amusement. I knew a guy who constantly drew "Pedro" all over the sides of his pots and finally he moved on to casting ceramic lent new meaning to the term "hardwood."

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