Bloody Showoffs

Here is a pic of a bowl that a first year Sheridan student (Katarina) is making. BTW this bowl is not yet it's actual size.  My boss and colleague Linda Sormin suggests that they go big or go home. I love this concept!. The
students  discover what is not possible or what is actually possible in their first year of Ceramics. Another project in first year is a throwing a 40 lb platter and decorating it. Check out Linda's show in Montreal. She knows no limits.


Cambria Pottery said…
I am in Montreal and would like to track her show down. Do you happen to know where it is?
DropStitchChris said…
I just googled her name and it shows a show in Montreal at McClure Gallery.
DropStitchChris said…
September and October 2014

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