Kiss me baby

 I am taking precautions with my lungs while cleaning the shelves with the angle grinder. I've been hacking and coughing far too long to start it up all over.  Call me neurotic with ear protection, eye protection, lung protection and Cones 04, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 but I am Founding President of the Cover Your Ass Club. I like to see Cones dropping when we fire the wood kiln. Sometimes even when the temperature is not climbing heat work is at work. Time often drops those cones just as temperature would. I have a brand new crew rolling in for a firing starting this coming Monday and I want to be able to set a Cone objective and stagger off to bed for a few zzzzzzz's and come back to see they have done their job. I won't be able to sit, point and grunt like I did with the HPG mentorship group.
I sat on the couch with Cassara and the dogs in the kiln room and looked at that big beast of a beautiful kiln and thought how I've missed it. As long as I am able to draw a breath I will light a fire under your ass you beautiful thing you.  I took off my mask looked around to see if anyone was watching and I gave the kiln a kiss. I love it so!


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