Maybe the Mountain Wasn’t So Bad

This is the chalkboard from my worst class ever! That hour and half class made me feel that the pain on Yellow Mtn was preferable to this mental pain. I‘m quite sure I could get in shape for the mountain long before I can master this language. My mind was still in Yixing at the clay studios while the teacher was attacking the chalkboard with no sense of chalkboard erasers being invented yet!
Daydreaming of Yixing, I’d like to show you some small bathroom type tiles that are all made and cut by hand in this small house. There were 4 or 5 people working in the house producing the tiles.
Here is Trevor standing beside some large containers for acid or something. They look like they have some kind of industrial use. Pretty awesome clay pots!!


They look like they have some kind of industrial use. Pretty awesome clay pots!!

Maybe they're septic systems--note the drain holes.

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