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The summer has flown by. Thankfully for me as I am not a fan of 40 C and 98% humidity. Fall here on the Niagara Peninsula with it's harvest is my favourite season. I just got word there are a couple of openings at the Mississauga Potter's Guild Workshop I am doing in Sept. This is a hands on monkey see monkey do workshop. I make the large base of a casserole, you make a large base of a casserole, I make the sides, you make the sides, I make the lid, you make the lid. This is about learning the technique of composite throwing according to Clennell. There will be a room full of pots that look like mine but after you have technique you can start adding your own refinements and finishing touches.
I don't do many weekend hands on workshops. Weekends are usually a dog and Tony show where I show and you pant. Because you'll have a wheel and clay you won't be able to doze off on me.
Michelle Knight's email is at the side of my blog. Remember SIZE MATTERS!


Trish said…
If I could drive there quick-like, I'd love to take your workshop!.. I agree about enjoying the Fall weather! Have wonderful weekend.
Trish from Alberta
Judy Shreve said…
I don't know -- I learned a lot sitting in the 'panting' gallery (Mudfire - with Ron). Lucky students in a hands-on though.
I can't wait for this heat to be over too. It's a killer in GA this year.

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