Ladyfingers are delicious with coffee. Here are some pics of some bad ass clay artists that are going to be in the 260 Fingers Show in Ottawa this coming weekend. I find their work delicious. It is exciting for me to be showing their work and then I get to hang out with them this weekend.
Chandler Swain and I have been in clay so long I really can't remember in what century we met. Chandler has been a mover and shaker in our provinces clay community forever.
Chandler Swain- always animated and whimsical |
Chandler Swain- bacon bowl?????????? |
Anne Chambers has also taken leading roles in shaping our province in the field of clay. Anne was recently in Korea. I want to talk to her about influences. Our province could swallow Texas and still have room so we don't get to see one another as much as we should.
Anne Chambers- now there is a boat I could float. |
Anne Chambers- yunomis ( sweet slip work) |
Maureen Marcotte- a tall glass that makes me thirsty |
Maureen Marcotte -I saw a show Maureen had with her partner at The Carnegie Gallery last year in Dundas. I was blown away by the work. I found myself smiling from ear to ear. Such beautiful work. I think I need me one.
Maureen Marcotte - ain't that a beautifully articulated and decorated bowl? |
Maria Moldovan- I am excited to see Maria's sculptural and figurative work. Meeting Maria will be a new found ceramic friend. We're all going out to dinner together on Saturday night so it will be a chance to make new friends.
Make new friends
but keep the old
One is silver
The other is gold.
Maria Moldovan- thought provoking piece. Need to get the narrative from Maria. |
Maria Moldovan- now there is a woman with pots on her mind. Nice! |
Ok my fellow blog readers. Email me if you want a tour of anyone of these artists work. I'll walk you over and you can meet them live on my phone this weekend. email tony.clennell@gmail. com