Home from work

I'm home in Amish country after a couple of days doing some custom throwing for a few friends. When I go away and work hard I like to bring home some art to reward myself for my labours. I threw a couple hundred pots in 4 days.  I used to like the comedy and work of a folk artist in Prince Edward County by the name of Robert Danielis so I swung by to see if he had anything I was interested in. Yep there was " Looking for the heart of Saturday night" a Tom Waits song that I like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7UHd7NVegE&list=RDf7UHd7NVegE#t=233What is great about this piece is that Yuko who I was working for is a smoker and the buzzards will remind me of Yuko smoking. She is much better looking than a buzzard but the connection is there.
I'm going to paint up a sconce and mount the buzzards on the wall as real estate for pots is at a premium.


Deb said…
They look like fine mugs. Deb1200
Deb said…
Hahaha! Sorry about that. Looks like the proof I am not a robot came out with my name. Deb

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