You must be city folk!

I'm adjusting to my new home in Aylmer. I always wanted a Lazy Boy but thought they were kinda a couch potato kinda chair and since I don't own a TV I fought the temptation. So I went to town and ordered a yellow leather one. The salesman took one look at me and said you must be city folk. I said' what ever gave you that idea?'. He said well a couple things. I have never sold a yellow chair in these here parts and I have never seen a man wear yellow glasses and wear a pink shirt
. The fact that I make pots and teach art probably really raises suspicions of my gender preference.
Taught a beginning class of pottery today and came home and crashed in my chair. I was exhausted! Hats off (including ball caps) to you that teach beginners. 


Anonymous said…
Thank you Tony! I'll take that "hat's off." I teach a lot of beginners. The advantage I have is that a potter (that would be you, Tony Clennell) I know has given me the gift of who I am as an instructor. Thank you. Thank you a million times!
Annied01 said…
Nice chair!! Keep teaching beginners, it helps them develop an appreciation for the $28 mug and the work involved!
Dennis Allen said…
I teach pottery to kids. Talk about your three ring circus!
Lori Watts said…
Thanks for that! I love my beginners but hoo-boy those classes are intense, and exhausting. Especially the first few.
Great chair. :)
Dennis Allen said…
Did they deliver the chair in a plain brown paper wrapper so the neighbors wouldn't know?

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